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      • 姓名: 王東
      • 性別: 男
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 學(xué)歷: 
      • 電話(huà): 
      • 傳真: 
      • 電子郵件: dwang@gia.cas.cn, wangdong@ipe.ac.cn
      • 所屬部門(mén): 
      • 通訊地址: 

        簡(jiǎn)  歷:

      •        王東,男,博士,研究員,碩士生導師,江西省SQ計劃”青年領(lǐng)軍人才,注冊化工工程師。負責國家自然科學(xué)基金、國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃課題、企業(yè)委托課題等科研、技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)項目近20。發(fā)表SCI論文近50篇,其中第一/通訊作者22篇;申請專(zhuān)利40項,授權17項;獲中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)一等獎2019)、中國循環(huán)經(jīng)濟協(xié)會(huì )科技進(jìn)步一等獎(2022)、全國濕法冶金工程技術(shù)交流會(huì )杰出青年獎(2021)、冶金創(chuàng )新論壇國際會(huì )議優(yōu)秀墻報二等獎(2015)等4

        社會(huì )任職:



      •        圍繞能源金屬二次資源低碳循環(huán)利用方向,開(kāi)展了關(guān)鍵金屬資源循環(huán)過(guò)程選擇性提取、高效分離與產(chǎn)品短流程轉化研究,構建了“界面結構調控-物相精準識別-外場(chǎng)傳質(zhì)強化的二次資源分離純化循環(huán)利用的金屬資源高質(zhì)循環(huán)理論體系。通過(guò)物相結構調控增加物質(zhì)間的分離系數,解決熱力學(xué)限制瓶頸;通過(guò)介質(zhì)與分離體系設計,增加難分離物質(zhì)的識別度;通過(guò)外場(chǎng)強化及裝備創(chuàng )新,加快物質(zhì)間的傳質(zhì)與分離,實(shí)現有價(jià)元素的提取與純化。開(kāi)發(fā)了超細光伏廢料離心浮選、易氧化光伏固廢控氧熔煉、釹鐵硼廢料低溫氧化焙燒選擇性提取等新技術(shù),設計國內首臺廢硅粉電弧熔煉、自熱式溫度可控釹鐵硼廢料氧化焙燒等裝備,相關(guān)成果在多家企業(yè)得到轉化,新增利潤數億元。




      • 1. Dong Wang, Zhankui Wang, Zhi Wang*, Guoyu Qian, Xuzhong Gong, Ling Xin, Silicon recovery from silicon sawing waste by removal of SiC impurity via CaO-SiO2-Na2O slag absorption, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 231, 115902.

        2. Wang Dong, Pang Sheng, Peng Yan, Wang Zhi*, Gong Xuzhong, Zhou Chunyue. Improve titanate reduction by electro-deoxidation of Ca3Ti2O7 precursor in molten CaCl2. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(12), 1618-1625

        3. Wang Dong*, Lu Jijun, Gou Jie, Wang Zhi*, Wang Mingyong, Gong Xuzhong, Hao Shishuo, A rapid method for the synthesis of perovskite (ATiO3, A=Ca, Sr, Ba) in molten chloride. Ceramics International, 2019, 45, 19547–19549

        4. Dong Wang, Xuanyi Chen, Yong Hua, Zhi Wang*, Changming Liu, Zhankui Wang, Guoyu Qian. Improving Flotation Separation of Micro Si/SiC Particles from Silicon Sawing Waste by Surface Hydrophilic Modification, Minerals Engineering, 2023, 191, 107962

        5. Wang Dong , Jinglong Chu, Yahui Liu, Jie Li, Tianyan Xue, Weijing Wang, Tao Qi*, Novel process for titanium dioxide production from titanium slag NaOH-KOH binary molten salt roasting and water leaching. Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(45), 15756-15761

        6. Haojie Du, Dong Wang*, Liping Zhang, Wentao Li, Zhi Wang* Wanhai Xiao, Chunlin Ye, Extraction of rare earth and cobalt from leach residue of Nd-Fe-B waste by reductive leaching with iron powder,Hydrometallurgy, 2022, 213, 105942

        7. Li Wentao, Guo Jianwei, Du Haojie, Wang Dong*, Cao Jianwei,Wang Zhi*. Selective removal of aluminum ions from rare earth solutions by using ion-imprinted polymers. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 286, 120486

        8. Peng Yan, Wang Dong*, Wang Zhi*, Gong Xuzhong, Wang Mingyong, Qi Tao, Meng Fancheng, Pivotal role of Ti-O bond lengths on crystalline structure transition of sodium titanates during electrochemical deoxidation in CaCl2-NaCl melt. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 738, 345-353

        9. Ke Li,, Zhi Wang*, Liu Changming, Dong Wang*, Guobiao Li, Xuanyi Chen, Guoyu Qian, Kaibo Hu. A green method to separate different layers in photovoltaic modules by using DMPU as a separation agent. Solar energy materials & Solar cells, 2022, 245, 111870

        10. Zhang Zhihan, Wang Dong*, Liu Chenghao, Zhi Wang, Xiao Wanhai, Qian Guoyu, Li Guobiao*. New insight into oxidative roasting and leaching for NdFeB waste. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10, 108946




      • 1. 超冶金級硅(UMG-Si)短程制備關(guān)鍵技術(shù)及應用,2019中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )技術(shù)一等獎(R03)

        2. 微晶玻璃固化重金屬協(xié)同固廢資源化循環(huán)利用技術(shù),2022中國循環(huán)經(jīng)濟協(xié)會(huì )科技進(jìn)步一等獎(R04

        3. 新興固廢濕法分離過(guò)程強化,2021第九屆全國濕法冶金工程技術(shù)會(huì )議“杰出青年”獎

        4. 高硅鈦渣堿介質(zhì)超重力場(chǎng)反應分離耦合技術(shù),2015冶金創(chuàng )新論壇國際會(huì )議優(yōu)秀墻報二等獎